Thursday, March 12, 2009

The following article is from this website:

*I did change the "him" to "her" and the "he" to "she" throughout the article.*

"Fetal Development: 27 Weeks
27 Weeks - Pregnancy
Your baby has gotten used to your voice by now, and probably even your partner’s. She will be drawn to you after birth naturally when she hears you talk to her. Besides hearing your voice, the sound of your blood circulating, your heartbeat, and other sounds are loud and clear to her. She may be soothed by “white noise” in the background after she is born, such as a fan, humidifier, vacuum cleaner, or clothes dryer. If she is fussy, you may want to try some white noise to remind her of the security of your womb.
Your baby has hit yet another growth spurt, as she adds over ½ an inch to her height this week alone. She is now 14 ½ inches long and weighs almost 2 pounds! The neurons in her brain are making new connections every day, and her brain will be like a sponge in the next few years, absorbing more and more information. The more you expose your baby to, the more her brain will grow and thirst for more. Start thinking about getting her a neat mobile and an activity mat or baby gym. Exposure to different shapes, colors, and textures during the first few months of infant hood will really sharpen her senses.
At the end of your six month, you have probably gained about 15 to 20 pounds. You probably even feel heavy when you walk. It’s a long way from the sexy thing you were six months ago, right? Many women in their third trimester feel some depression, as they feel lost as a person. While you are excited about your baby, you feel like you’ve been pregnant forever. You may feel that when people look at you or talk to you, they pretty much focus on your pregnancy and not on you. Some of us feel defined by the pregnancy, and it can be an anxious time. Just know that this is a common feeling and you WILL feel like a normal person again. Want to feel sexy again? Take a warm bubble bath and put on some silk. Listen to Norah Jones and have a picnic with your partner on the living room floor. Have him rub your back and massage your feet. If this doesn’t get you in the mood, hey, at least you got a massage out of it, right? "

Hahah! I love Norah Jones, picnics on the floor with my hubby, and massages!!! How did they know?!

I crossed out the middle of that last paragraph because that's not how I am feeling at all. I don't feel lost or depressed, I don't feel like I'll be pregnant forever, and I don't feel like people only focus on my pregnancy...and if they do, I don't mind!!

I am so excited about these last three months. For Erik, I never experienced my last two months of pregnancy because he came that early. I know that I will go full term this time and I believe that with all of my heart. Some people may think that I was somehow lucky to not have to "endure" the last months of pregnancy, but I have never thought of it that way. The pain that Chris and I went through was excruciating and far surpasses being physically uncomfortable. We weren't sure of how Erik would do in the intensive care unit and how he would develop later on. It was unbearable to see other babies around us pass away, some of which were born around the same gestational age. God has had his hand on Erik as we have seen him grow and mature as though he was never born early. He is so eager to learn new things and his quick mind amazes me. I teach him something one time and weeks later he remembers it without fault. I thought that maybe he would end up with hearing and speech problems like a lot of preemies end up having but that has gone out of the window. I have been told by several people on different occasions that he is articulate for his age...and of course, I think that as well! I know I am biased as a mother and every mom thinks their child has brains, but I just can't help doting on him! I am sooo very proud to be his mom!

Today I saw Andy...I mean Dr. Hill...haha (see for what that means!) and I took a glucose test. Those drinks are sooo nasty. I find out tomorrow how my blood sugar levels are. I've been using a friends blood sugar meter and the numbers are all over the place. (Like one day I just ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast and it was 182...then today I had Chinese food and it was 107!!) Some days are perfect and other days they are high. I told my doctor about my numbers (I take my blood first thing in the morning and then an hour after I eat) and he didn't seem too concerned. He said to watch my sugar intake and keep my calories at 2,000. This shouldn't be a problem because most days I am about 200 to 300 below that intake and I don't have much of a sweet tooth anyway. (Except I do admit that I am addicted to chocolate pretzels...but have only bought one small bag this entire pregnancy..go me!) I have gained 8 pounds so far and am hoping not to pack on much more. Since I'm already on the "more to love" side, I should probably only gain about 15-20 pounds. My doctor hasn't said anything about that but from what I've read it seems recommended. Chris and I are going on a hike this weekend and I'm pretty sure we'll be walking for about 4 hours. Wish us luck!

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